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Effective Ways to Cope with Exam Anxiety
Effective Ways to Cope with Exam Anxiety

The University Entrance and High School Entrance Exams, which are eagerly awaited by thousands of students and parents, are fast approaching:

Many articles, TV broadcasts, news and seminars such as "Exam anxiety prevents success", "Exam Anxiety warning for young people preparing for the exam", "Suggestions for young people preparing for the exam" gained momentum. Nowadays, some classrooms, study centers or exam families have started to receive corporate training and individual sessions on this subject from our Mylife Consulting and Coaching Center.

Just as the method of studying differs from person to person, the ability to experience exam stress and cope also differs from person to person. Thousands of students and parents are waiting excitedly before the High School Entrance Exam, where anxiety and stress are quite high.

Expert Psychologists, Pedagogues and Exam Coaches; He stated that in some people, test anxiety manifests itself with symptoms such as heart palpitations, confusion, sweating, loss of appetite or overeating, restlessness, nausea, deterioration in attention and focus, sleep problems, reluctance to work, decrease in self-confidence, and feelings of inadequacy. They say you can open it.

Especially a few days before the exam; Emphasizing that it is not the day when a person will face himself or come to terms with himself, but to thank himself for his efforts and rest his body and mind, Expert Psychologists said, “It is important for children with exam anxiety to get support from their environment and parents. It should not be ostensible or so-called. Indeed, focusing on what the child can do rather than what he cannot do and appreciating his efforts not only reduces his anxiety, but also supports the development of self-confidence.


Some students may have unrealistic beliefs such as "I am not ready for the exam", "I will not be successful in this exam", "The exam will be bad". However, Expert Psychologists and Training Coaches stated that the most important step in coping with test anxiety is to question and reevaluate these thoughts and beliefs. Saying that there are methods, he gives the following about other points to be considered to control test anxiety:


Paying attention to nutrition and sleep times are also among very important factors. Although the need for sleep and nutrition differs from person to person, the alarm mode that will occur physically and mentally when sleeping longer or less than necessary or eating more or less than necessary also increases anxiety. For this reason, pay close attention to your diet, study habits and sleep a short time before the exam. The regularity of these habits in itself ensures that the body remains in a safer and more comfortable state.


It increases the release of cortisol in the brain in times of extreme stress; This hormone also blurs the mind, preventing it from making rational decisions and reactions. Because under stress, the body goes into alarm mode and becomes inclined to give one of the 'fight, flight or freeze' responses. If you are experiencing intense test anxiety, first consider which of the three reactions you tend to have more often. When you start to experience this anxiety again; Remember that your body goes into alarm mode under intense stress and remind your body that "Everything is fine, the important thing is not to be perfect, but to do your best", and take the body out of alarm mode with relaxation techniques.


The thing that I want students to remind themselves the day before the exam is as follows; ‘I left behind a long and difficult preparation process, for better or worse, by doing my best. I know that even when I thought I couldn't do my best, it was actually what I did for that day. There is no such thing as perfect in life. I'm not perfect, nobody is perfect. Exams do not determine who I am and what kind of person I am, they only measure my current knowledge level. Over time, as I work, I will become more knowledgeable, equipped, and develop, I know that. I believe that I will reflect what I know in this exam.

You reading this article, my dear reader, I am calling out to you, if you are a student preparing for an important exam or if you are a relative of an individual, definitely get professional help. Because the preparation process for the exam requires serious professional support during and after the exam. If you say, "I let the meadow go, Allah favors", we will be doing great harm to our understanding of tawakkul and the future of the student by acting unprofessionally. For your questions, you can write or call me on my whatsapp +905447243650 line.

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